On February 7th, 2024 we moved our website to a new host to improve site speed, accessibility, and to start offering more features to our visitors and customers. During the move, the order of some of our old blog posts was disordered. Going forward, all new blog posts will be in correct order. 

From Guesses to Gains: The 4-Step Feedback Loop for Consistent Profits

Imagine consistently profiting from the markets, not through luck, but through a method you've developed and continuously improved. That's the power...

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Journal Review #2

This week, we dove into a profitable trader's journal to see how they could take their performance to the next level. In the video, we analyze their...

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A Deep Dive into Edgewonk Performance Statistics

Ever stared at your Edgewonk trading journal, brimming with data, and wondered what it all means? You're not alone. Tracking performance statistics...

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Journal Review #1

As announced previously, we brought back our free journal review service. And today, we published our first review.

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Journal Review, Customer Calls, & More

Since our new interface release a few weeks ago (thank you for the great feedback), we have been implementing new changes and updates regularly. In...

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Trading Routine

7 Steps to a Bulletproof Trading Routine [infographic]

Want to take your trading to the next level? Imagine a routine that helps you stay disciplined, avoid emotional mistakes, and capitalize on...

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