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Edgewonk Summer Updates

Edgewonk Summer Updates

The latest blog update is already 4 months old and a lot has happened with the Edgewonk trading journal in the meantime.

In this update want to show you the new features and also provide an outlook for what is to come over the next weeks.

MT4 / MT5 auto sync

The biggest add-on is our new MT4 and MT5 auto sync feature. You can now easily connect your MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms with your Edgewonk trading journal and all your trading data is synced automatically into your Edgewonk trading journal.

The video below shows the setup for the MT4 platform. However, MT5 follows the exact same procedure:

MetaTrader 4 Automatic Sync to Edgewonk – YouTube

Faster trade importing

We also updated our system as a whole so that your trade processing is now taking significantly less time. In the past, during peak journaling times, the import process sometimes took a little longer. We have improved the infrastructure and importing trades with any supported platform is now lightning fast.

Option tracking

We started implementing the options tracking capabilities. For now, options trading is limited to manual trade inputs. However, we are working on making our automated trade import process options ready. Over the next few weeks, we will roll out importing options trades with all our currently supported platforms and brokers. We will make a separate announcement for that.

Duplicating missed and planned trades

You can now duplicate missed and planned trades. We also made some other smaller improvements to the missed trades and trading plan features in Edgewonk, allowing you to journal your trades and trading plans more efficiently.

Direct help in each tab

Each feature in Edgewonk now has a link to its own dedicated help page. Whenever you have questions about a specific feature, simply click the help icon and you will be redirected to the FAQ page where we explain the specific feature.

What we are working on

As already mentioned, we are working on expanding our options tracking capabilities. We are adding important options metrics with one of our next updates. Also, importing options trades will be possible soon.

Edgewonk is also going to receive a major facelift. We are currently redesigning the whole app, making it more modern and user-friendly. The new facelift will be rolled out before the end of the year.

For more information, visit our update roadmap.

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