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Update: Automated reports are here

Update: Automated reports are here

We just released our first update in 2022 and there a quite a few new add-ons to Edgewonk.

Automated Reports

One of our main focus points is to make analyzing your Edgewonk data easier. So in the first step, we added a new tab that provides an automated monthly and weekly performance overview. Edgewonk provides a few key metrics about your trading based on the trades that have been closed in the specific period.

By clicking the arrow next to the specific month, you get an overview of the different weeks as well.

With our next updates, we will further improve on this feature, add more automated analysis and make the interpretation easier as well.

New graph: Setup performance

A lot of you have requested a chart to visualize the performance of individual setups and here it is.

You can find the new graph in the Chart Lab tab.

Search trade ID

Some Edgewonk users suggested making it easier to find specific trades. For example, you are looking at your equity graph and you want to see why there is a sudden jump/drop but so far, finding a specific trade has been tedious. Now, you can simply type in the trade ID that you are looking for and Edgewonk will open the popup for that trade.

Fixed Drawdown calculations

With your help, we were able to find a bug in our Drawdown calculation. This has been fixed and the Drawdown chart is now providing accurate readings again. Thanks for your assistance in this matter.

What we are currently working on

To give you an idea of what’s coming soon, here is a quick overview of our current developments.

  • TD Ameritrade integration: We are aware that our TDA import is providing issues for some users. We are currently working on this with high priority.
  • Trading Plan feature
  • Adding Missed Trades screenshots to the Chartbook
  • Improved Automated Reports
  • Adding various platforms/brokers for faster trade import

Happy journaling

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