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Update August 2022

Update August 2022

Over the past 2.5 months, we have been working on a variety of larger add-ons and new features which is why our blog and the YouTube channel haven’t been updated.

This week, we just released a smaller update and we want to share our progress with you.

What’s new?

  • When copying an existing trading journal, you can now also copy all trades, trade plans, and missed trades.


  • In the Monthly Reports, we have added arrows, indicating if your weekly performance metrics have improved or gotten worse


  • We added performance ratios such as Sharpe, Sortino, Gain to Pain, Calmar, SQN and Profit Factor to various places: Home Tab evaluation, Trade Analytics columns, Chart Lab > Performance Ratio, and as a Monthly Reports column.


  • We are slowly enabling the option to reorder your created comments. In this update, we enabled the option to drag and drop your entry, exit, and trade management comments under Settings > Comments. Please give this approach a try and let us know how you like it. We will then enable this feature across all other settings with the next update


  • With the latest update, we added new slots for more Custom Statistics. We just added the new Custom Statistics also to the Trade Analytics and you find them under Ordering Criteria now


  • The Public Profile page now updates automatically every 24 hours. We also plan to improve the profile page overall with the next updates as a lot of you have asked for add-ons and suggested new features. We are on it!


  • And as always we fixed various smaller bugs and added improvements to our overall codebase. Here we really depend on your help and we want to thank everyone who sent us bug reports and share their user experience with us.


What’s next?

With the next update, we are bringing back our Alternative Strategies which will help you test different trading strategy approaches much faster.

We are also going to expand the drag and drop reordering to all Settings.

Also, we are currently building a merging feature that allows you to merge multiple trade rows in your journal into one trade.


All currently supported platforms are listed here: Supported platforms

If your platform is not listed, you can always manually enter your trades in Edgewonk.

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